Mindful touch – listening to the body to support self-healing

Mindful touch, creating a space for healing

The body needs to feel listened to in order for it to express and release, just like in a verbal conversation. Bodywork is two-way communication between the giver and receiver. The body responds and lets go with the presence of a listening hand. Sometimes the deepest shifts can occur through still and present touch.

Within my Thai massage practice my hands listen and respond to what is felt within my clients in each moment. Thai massage is a form of meditation: the giver continually responds to what is present for the receiver. Listening, observing and continuously adjusting pressure and pace as part of this conversation

Therapeutic, tailored mindful bodywork

Traditional Thai Massage, deeply relaxing and effective, tailored to your needs, combining rhythmic pressure with gentle stretches. Sometimes called “lazy yoga”.

Reconnect with your body and be guided to explore tensions and the root cause of symptoms, whilst in a state of deep relaxation.

Monthly updates about: health & well being; self-healing, free dancing, sharing circles, health outcomes and of course, lifestyle medicine.

Begin your upward spiral to health and well-being