The stress response – our bodies natural rhythms

Our body's natural rhythms and the symptoms of imbalance

Our bodies inner compass always wants to head towards health and wellness. The view that our bodies are a machine that breaks down is being replaced with the understanding that our bodies have an intelligence of their own – one that we can work with and support towards greater overall health and well being.

Inline with the natural cycles of day and night, our bodies go through balancing cycles of stress and repair.

Mild stress or pressure is good for us, it can enhance our performance or help us achieve our goal. However, excessive or prolonged stress can knock us out of our natural healthy rhythm of stress and repair.

Prolonged stress and repair

Ever planned a lovely chunk of time off only to feel ill when it finally arrives? It’s frustrating to make plans for time out only to find that our bodies have other ideas! When we overexert for too long we can find that when we stop our body will take full advantage of the opportunity to recover. Forcing us to stop and dropping us into a deeper, longer term regeneration that aims to rebalance the extended stress – and is beyond the scope of a good night’s sleep.

Signs that our body is repairing

When our body is in recovery, we can feel:

  • Exhausted
  • Confused or foggy
  • Warmer extremities, fever and inflammation
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Increased appetite

In stress the opposite is true. Try observing these signs and begin to observe your body’s rhythms and signals. You can download my free PDF guide to explore these specific  patterns behind your symptoms.

Each organ tissue has a unique survival strategy

Every tissue in our body is continually listening to our experiences so that it can adapt and help us. Just think of a juicy, ice cold, fresh, tangy lemonade on a hot day and notice your saliva glands respond! This process happens on an unconscious, subtle level with any of our thoughts and feelings.  Our bodies are miraculous and every little shift is geared towards helping us survive and thrive. When we are living in survival mode, or chronic stress, symptoms emerge.

Address the root cause

We all experience distressing or traumatic events during our lifetime. This could be anything from the tragic loss of a loved one to a jarring comment from our boss; the impact is in the eye of the beholder.  When these moments of distress occur, a chain reaction is ignited in the body, ultimately designed to help us cope. An emotion, story, belief and memory become held within the tissue, but transformation and recovery are possible.

In a session, we explore lifestyle factors (such as sleep, exercise, diet, stress management and social connection) AND we address the root cause. Through lifestyle medicine and Root Cause Health Coaching™ we have the potential to prevent or reverse 80% of chronic symptoms – without side effects. There is a vast amount of growing research to support this.

Take the next step

An informal 20 minute chat, via video call to ask questions and explore how we could work together.

Begin your upward spiral to health and well-being

Mindful touch – listening to the body to support self-healing

Mindful touch, creating a space for healing

The body needs to feel listened to in order for it to express and release, just like in a verbal conversation. Bodywork is two-way communication between the giver and receiver. The body responds and lets go with the presence of a listening hand. Sometimes the deepest shifts can occur through still and present touch.

Within my Thai massage practice my hands listen and respond to what is felt within my clients in each moment. Thai massage is a form of meditation: the giver continually responds to what is present for the receiver. Listening, observing and continuously adjusting pressure and pace as part of this conversation

Therapeutic, tailored mindful bodywork

Traditional Thai Massage, deeply relaxing and effective, tailored to your needs, combining rhythmic pressure with gentle stretches. Sometimes called “lazy yoga”.

Reconnect with your body and be guided to explore tensions and the root cause of symptoms, whilst in a state of deep relaxation.

Monthly updates about: health & well being; self-healing, free dancing, sharing circles, health outcomes and of course, lifestyle medicine.

Begin your upward spiral to health and well-being

4-7-8 breathing – natural tranquilliser for insomnia

A natural tool for insomnia

A simple technique that takes only a few minutes

Being a mother, my sleep has definitely seen better days in recent years. I know the frustrations of waking too early, unable to get back to sleep or lying awake for hours. A mind that is busy, stressed and too full can be difficult to switch off. I’ve used this very simple technique and found it incredibly helpful – if only takes a few minutes and I usually don’t remember even completing the sequence.

The benefits of 4-7-8 breathing

A tool to get back to sleep when frequently waking – or to get to sleep initially. It is particularly helpful for anyone who is struggling to get to sleep or stay asleep. We all go through periods of worry, anxiety and stress and at these times, tools that can help us take care of ourselves, manage stress and get quality sleep are invaluable.

Why does it work?

The 4-7-8 breathing technique naturally moves our body out of fight or flight and into rest and repair mode. It takes us from operating with our sympathetic (daytime, stress-active) nervous system to the parasympathetic (nighttime, regeneration) nervous system. We function between these two modes all the time and with a healthy balance of stress, we flow between them, following the rhythms of day and night. With excess stress, we can find it difficult to drop into nighttime mode, remaining alert and finding it difficult to switch off and fall (or stay) asleep.

The technique

It’s really incredibly simple. Think “in through the nose and out through the mouth”… One round of breathing involves:

  1. Firstly deeply exhale through your mouth.
  2. Inhaling deeply through your nose to the count of 4 (count at your own pace to what feels right).
  3. Holding your breath for the count of 7.
  4. Exhaling slowly and deeply through your mouth to the count of 8

Repeat this 4 or 5 times from step #2. You can build up to 8 rounds with practice. The more we practice this breathing technique, the more powerful the effect


Address the root cause of insomnia

In addition to helpful techniques to manage stress and broken sleep, we can also look deeper into the root cause. We may be experiencing a period of stress in our life, which may be cumulative, re-triggering old historical stresses that have been dormant within us. For optimum well-being it is healthy to release any old habits, experiences, emotions or thought patterns that contribute to stress today.  Through Root Cause Health Coaching™, we always explore and resolve any root causes contributing to imbalance or symptoms. 

Begin your upward spiral to health and well-being

EFT Tapping for Chronic Pain

Practicing EFT regularly can offer a non-invasive, self-empowering tool for individuals seeking additional relief from chronic pain.

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What to expect during a Thai massage

What to expect during a Thai massage

On a practical note a traditional Thai massage is performed through clothing on a futon mat, on the floor. “How can you feel anything through clothing?” I hear you wonder. Well, in Thai massage pressure is applied through slowly and gently leaning with bodyweight using a range of techniques (palms, thumb, forearm, elbow, knee, foot – don’t worry – Thai massage should not be painful! The aim is to release tension, not create it, so we always work just within your comfort zone so that, whilst being effective, you are able to remain relaxed throughout.

You will feel a deep effective pressure that is applied with sensitivity to your body and what is the right pressure, with each application. This slowly sinking pressure has the potential to gently touch and affect: skin, fascia, muscle, organs, nerves, bone..

A Thai massage typically works up the body – although every single treatment is unique. The therapist does not have a sequence or plan but responds to your body, tailoring the treatment along the way, relating it to how you are, in that moment. Your treatment may include a section with you lying on your back, front, side or in a seated position on the futon. It may involve lots of stretches, or lots of energy line work. Whatever it is, it’ll be what is felt to be right for you from the consultation and from intuition.


Relax and be nurtured

Sometimes your temperature can drop during a treatment, so a blanket may be used to keep you warm. You will be looked after. 

During the treatment, it’s your time to relax, there really is nothing for you to do. Any yoga stretches will be passive. This full body relaxation allows for a deeper stretch. Thai massage is often depicted as big dynamic stretches, but don’t worry, you don’t have to be a yogi to enjoy the treatment and stretches will only be used if and when they are right for you.

Having a Thai yoga massage takes you on a journey around your body. It really is full body, even your ears will get a treatment (which is great because there are over 100 acupressure points in them!). It can be great to use the time to enjoy some silence and focus on your breathing, which can help you switch off. 

The treatment itself is rhythmic, in time with either your – or the therapist’s – breath.

The full treatment ends with a face massage, which balances the treatment and leaves you in a deep relaxation. 

Journey around your body

A treatment can take a few days to fully balance, sometimes you may feel really energised after, whilst another time you may fancy a big nap – and a big feed. It’s good to listen to your body, if schedules allow! A treatment can be detoxing, so it’s good to drink plenty of water after to flush out any toxins that have been released, plus it’s advisable to avoid alcohol and caffeine for 24 hours as your body is detoxing.<

I hope I’ve created an overview of what this therapy can be. It really is a beautiful treatment, that for me has become a lifelong passion and continual learning journey.

Reclaim your health

Health and self care to support well-being Extensive research over recent decades has shown that the vast majority of chronic...

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Why it works

Why it works A mind and body approach Our bodies are much more intelligent and complex than we ever knew....

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